There are different types of dentures, but they share a common function. They replace teeth that have become loose or have fallen out due to bone loss. When bone loss around the roots of teeth is great enough to loosen them or let them fall out, it’s time for dentures. With dentures, your ability to eat and talk regularly is restored.
A complete denture is made to replace all of the teeth in your mouth. In order to use a complete set of dentures, your gum tissue has to be given a chance to heal, making the transition as smooth as possible. Once your teeth have been removed, it is common to have to wait between eight and twelve weeks before the dentures can be used safely. You do have the option of wearing immediate dentures while you wait for your permanent dentures. If you choose to have immediate dentures while you are healing, you will need to come in often, as your bone and gums shrink overtime and regular adjustments must be made. These immediate dentures should only be worn as a temporary solution while you wait for your permanent ones.
We use partial dentures when one or more of your natural teeth remain in your mouth, either in the upper or lower jaw. A partial denture performs a few different functions. It fills in your missing teeth and prevents the natural teeth left in your mouth from changing positions. We offer what are called ‘precision partial dentures’ which are removable. This type of partial denture tends to be more natural looking than other alternatives and functions well.